Life insurance calculator

Compute your life insurance

If you needed assistance on what your life insurance amount is, please feel free to use our life insurance calculator that will be able to compute those costs for you. It’s easy and accessible for all ages.

Rebecca Shoenthal author photoAmanda Shih author photo



Step 1 of 5

Next, the basics

Tell us about yourself so we can help you find the right coverage.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
ZIP code
Select all that apply(Required)
Are you currently a U.S. citizen or permanent resident?(Required)

Sample term life insurance rates

Age / Sex

$250K coverage amount

$500K coverage amount

$1M coverage amount

25 year old female




25 year old male




35 year old female




35 year old male




45 year old female




45 year old male




55 year old female




55 year old male




The steps in order for you to compute your life insurance requirements

How to calculate how much life insurance you need

These are the steps on how to get your desirable cost of life insurance:

  1. Figure out what assets you have such as property, other assets, and assets you will be having in the upcoming years.
  2. After determining your asset amount, you would next need to figure out what amount of debts and financial obligations you have.

  3. You would need to figure out the amount of coverage. gap you have. By doing that, you would need to deduct the assets you have from the debts you have to get the total.

  4. Think about how long you want your life insurance to be before you buy one. You want to have enough time so it will benefit your whole family.

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