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How do we define the term life insurance?
It is defined as where the said insurance company is in a contract with the client
What are the benefits of having life insurance?
The benefit of getting life insurance for yourself is that it protects and pays from sudden causes such as getting into a car crash and other kinds of death.
What is a good amount of life insurance required for a person?
The company says a good amount of life insurance that can cover you and your family would be around 15 times your income.
What are some ways I can shop for these?
There are many ways to get life insurance policies but the one of the fastest ways for us would be calling. By calling, you just need to take a medical exam in order to get one.
here are two options for life insurance?
As you can see, the most known life insurance policies in the world would be both term life insurance and whole life insurance. Below shows a more detailed explanation for both of the life insurances.

Term life insurance
It is a life insurance where once you pay it, you get around 10-30 years of it. And if you pass away while term life insurance is still in effect, the money goes towards your family and it’ll benefit them. This is a low-cost life insurance you can get where you don’t have to pay extra premiums. If you have any other questions about term life insurance and or thinking of buying one, please contact us.

Whole life insurance
Whole life insurance also called permanent life insurance is the pricier life insurance where covers for indefinitely as long as you are able to pay the extra premiums. Cash value growth is one of the biggest benefits to this life insurance. It works the same as term life insurance regarding death and the person’s family will be getting paid. If you have any other questions about whole life insurance and or thinking of buying one, please contact us.
Similar to whole life insurance, universal life insurance covers a person indefinitely as long as you are able to pay the extra premiums. One of the differences is that the premiums are more easily adjustable. If you have any other questions about universal life insurance and or thinking of buying one, please contact us.
What is the amount to get life insurance at Polynguyen?
There are many different ways to see how much life insurance would cost you. One of the ways you would figure out your life insurance cost is by telling about your age and current health at the moment. Please click the link below to read more about how much life insurance cost depending on these factors.” “Read more about how much life insurance costs” can be rephrased to “Click here to see the amount of life insurance you would need to pay at Polynguyen.
The overall cost of Polynguyen's term life insurance through the use of a person's age
Age / Sex
$250K coverage amount
$500K coverage amount
$1M coverage amount
25 year old female
25 year old male
35 year old female
35 year old male
45 year old female
45 year old male
55 year old female
55 year old male
Methodology: “TBA”, as of August 1, 2022, for male and female non-smokers in a Preferred health classification, buying a term life insurance policy with a 20-year term length. Rates are based on the monthly Polynguyen Life Insurance Price Index. Prices in the index are determined by internal actuarial rate tables for 10 life insurance carriers that offer policies through the Polynguyen marketplace: AIG, Banner Life, Brighthouse, Lincoln Financial, Mutual of Omaha, Pacific Life, Protective, Prudential, SBLI, and TransAmerica.
How is life insurance so important in this day and age?
Life insurance is definitely a necessity to have if you need to provide safety for your family and those close to you. If you have someone in your family who can’t cover expenses and such on their own, they have life insurance from their parents to help them do that. If you aren’t able to cover loans for school, then life insurance is there to assist with that as well.
Who is going to be safe with life insurance?
As mentioned above, your whole family as well as your spouse and kids are protected when you buy life insurance. If anything happens to you or your family, life insurance will bring you safety and help cover those losses.
Polynguyen's recommendations for life insurance?
We’ve also made wonderful relationships with other organizations out there and wanted to recommend some of our leading companies we partnered up with. Here are our recommendations [insert list of companies here].

Polynguyen's recommendations
"If you ever needed advice for who to pick for your insurer,. then feel free to look at our list of companies.

What others have to say about us
Please feel free to take a look at the evaluations for each of the organizations.
The 4 steps to get the life insurance you need
In order for you to begin the application, you must. complete the following health survey required in the website.
In order for you to begin the application, you must. complete the following health survey required in the website.
- Take a medical exam (or don’t).Insurers use the brief medical exam to verify the health information you provided and determine how much you pay for coverage. But some insurers will just check your previous medical records instead.
A medical questionnaire is taken in order to observe more information about the clients’ health and it’ll also help to find the best coverage for them. This one’s an optional step since insurers might just use your past medical records.
Get your policy confirmed and once this last part is done, you should be completed for now. Congratulations!